How to Increase performance in CNG car - Part 1
Well, I think you all been waiting for this article for a while.
Here are the few steps:-
1) Modify your normal plug to side gapping. Visit this site for more information.
The side gapped plug exposes more of the spark path to the open combustion chamber than the Standard version, as well as even the Splitfire® or Bosch+4® types.
2) Get a thicker plug cable for better current.
3) Clean your air filter frequent so that better air flow into the engine.
4) Get Dynamic Ionizer. It is a ceramic flow catalyst made of various radioactive natural ores. The principle of this flow catalyst is that the fuel or air clustered unexcited ion in the line is converted into an excited state and neutralized electro magnet wave by the direct ionizing effect of DI cores. It breaks down large ions into smaller ion pairs; this improves the bonding efficiency makes significantly increasing the output energy from burning. It is capable for applications in many other ways due to its maximizing the fluid`s molecule density due to ionization, which can make acceleration all chemical reaction.
5) Use magnet on the petrol and gas line that direct to the carburetor.
Fuel mainly consists of hydrocarbons. Groupings of hydrocarbons, when flowing through a magnetic field, change their orientations of magnetization in a direction opposite to that of the magnetic field. The molecules of hydrocarbon change their configuration. At the same time intermolecular force is considerably reduced or depressed. These mechanisms are believed to help to disperse oil particles and to become finely divided. In addition, hydrogen ions in fuel and oxygen ions in air or steam are magnetized to form magnetic domains which are believed to assist in atomizing fuel into finer particles.
Made your own magnet today. Get Neodymium Iron Boron magnet . It is the strongest magnet in the market.
6) More to come ................
Here are the few steps:-
1) Modify your normal plug to side gapping. Visit this site for more information.
The side gapped plug exposes more of the spark path to the open combustion chamber than the Standard version, as well as even the Splitfire® or Bosch+4® types.
2) Get a thicker plug cable for better current.
3) Clean your air filter frequent so that better air flow into the engine.
4) Get Dynamic Ionizer. It is a ceramic flow catalyst made of various radioactive natural ores. The principle of this flow catalyst is that the fuel or air clustered unexcited ion in the line is converted into an excited state and neutralized electro magnet wave by the direct ionizing effect of DI cores. It breaks down large ions into smaller ion pairs; this improves the bonding efficiency makes significantly increasing the output energy from burning. It is capable for applications in many other ways due to its maximizing the fluid`s molecule density due to ionization, which can make acceleration all chemical reaction.
5) Use magnet on the petrol and gas line that direct to the carburetor.
Fuel mainly consists of hydrocarbons. Groupings of hydrocarbons, when flowing through a magnetic field, change their orientations of magnetization in a direction opposite to that of the magnetic field. The molecules of hydrocarbon change their configuration. At the same time intermolecular force is considerably reduced or depressed. These mechanisms are believed to help to disperse oil particles and to become finely divided. In addition, hydrogen ions in fuel and oxygen ions in air or steam are magnetized to form magnetic domains which are believed to assist in atomizing fuel into finer particles.
Made your own magnet today. Get Neodymium Iron Boron magnet . It is the strongest magnet in the market.
6) More to come ................
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